Sunday, October 17, 2010

7 things you NEVER need to take photos of...

I came across this site that has a funny cartoon describing what people shouldn't take photos of... Here is a little taste.

If you like this one, check out the rest. I thought it was funny. I think you might too.


  1. Ha! I have a picture that looks almost exactly like the "bar photos" picture! We're all guilty of each of these sometimes, although I have never taken a picture of my car. I photograph my food all the time though-sometimes it just looks so good it deserves a picture!

  2. I love the Oatmeal! The designer behind it always comes up with the most creative (and true) comics. I'm sure most people on Facebook are guilty of posting at least one picture from each of these categories. People need to be more aware of what they're exposing the rest of the world to!

  3. ahaha ! I posted this on my younger sister's wall. (Junior in college, she religiously posts all types of the banned photos found on this list.)

  4. This is hilarious and I think we will all think twice before taking a picture. Bar photos are the worst along with the kissing couples!
