Thursday, September 23, 2010

Comic Sans GOES OFF!

One of my classmates from typography class sent out a link to a funny and clever monologue from Comic Sans that I want to share. It was actually written by designer and writer Mike Lacher. For those of you who are offended by swear words, you might not want to expose yourself to this, but you will be missing out. Just sayin'.

The link is below. Enjoy!


  1. I saw this a while back, but it's just as hilarious now as it was then. The last line is genius!

  2. I was just going to post that tomorrow! Nice call!

  3. Michelle- Yes, this was hilarious! Especially, the last line.

    Toni- You can still post it. I have no copyright disclaimers! :)

  4. Yes, this was hilarious indeed, especially with the rants of how Comic Sans is used...LOL!
